Funneling Jupiter ~ 2 Aug 2018

Jupiter now passes by a black hole (APR 220 @ 14 Scorpio) with the distinction of being the brightest object in our local group. Given Jupiter amplifies everything he touches, he now intensifies the emanations of this black hole beacon, maximizes its edacious gravitational appetite, and seeks to point out that the inner churning and sloshing of the waters of the soul need attention and application.

Sloshing indeed. Jupiter now sails Scorpio, a water sign, and trines Neptune in Pisces also in a water sign. It’s like struggling to balance a yoke with two very full water buckets on each end of the yoke. Is water spilling?

Jupiter in Scorpio epitomizes enormous, sloshing waters - oceans beyond oceans. He rapidly spins, completing a day in a dizzying 9.93 hours - amazing given that he is 318 times more massive than Earth, eleven times wider. He now boasts 79 moons with his gravitational grasp. That’s he holds heaps in every category.

When water is poured into a funnel, however, there can be control of the water’s direction. Focused application results and with that, enhanced application. Imagine water as the emotional essence riding the substrate of the soul. While in Scorpio the “all-or-nothing” and “now or never get on with it as if there’s no tomorrow” passion proclamations make even more sense and the need to funnel and focus the energy stands as more important than normal.

Okay fine. Easy to say, but how does one focus Jupiter in Scorpio’s energy? Well, make yourself a satellite dish, leading to a funnel of you. Go outside and prepare to receive all the goodness the largest gaseous giant renders. It should be dark in most locations on the planet when Jupiter is visible, so no need to fret about what the neighbors might be thinking. Locate Jupiter in the sky. Stand with both feet together, grounding your presence on Earth. Look directly at Jupiter and extend your arms upward as far as you can possibly reach. You want this to be a maximized stretch to symbolize Jupiter’s abundant acumen.

Then, ask: “Jupiter, lord of the planets, what do you need me to know to serve my purpose in this incarnation and to become the beacon my soul wishes to be?”

This is you going straight to the horse’s mouth so to speak. Make the call. Speak to the horse. Get your information directly from his mouth. Forget about possible horse halitosis. Lean in and listen. This way, what you hear is accurate source material. No psychic hand me down data. No third-party interpretation nor hyperbole. No exaggeration, spin, tall tales, scary stories, old wives’ tales, fake news or Russian-infiltrated social media for the conscious traveler on planet Earth.

Last week on a social media platform, alleged to be for business, I encountered a post with a picture of Mars the same size as the moon. The post claimed they would appear as the same size in the sky given Mars’ present proximity to Earth. Several people liked the post. Several promised to go outside and check it out that night (unlikely they did any Jupiter downloading). No one bothered to speculate about gravitational disturbances in the solar system if this were true, and no one seemed concerned. It was, “Cool. It’s online so it’s true.”

Through the ease inherent in the Jupiter to Neptune trine, yes, it’s easier than normal to dupe the dupable.

Jupiter in Scorpio asks all to conduct a marrow check of all received input. Does the input you currently assess make sense? Does it resonate within the marrow of your bones? A gut check is fine, but Jupiter demands soulful sensibilities in a time when so much Neptune in Pisces fantastical speculation and at times, deceptive information seems so freely promulgated, and with such a cavalier lack of concern for consequence, to boot. Seek resonance in the Scorpionic depths of the soul. Anything else might be suspect.

Make information and insight downloads all about you. You be the tuning fork that knows what strikes the correct pitch when you hear it. You reach out for the insights that inspire the soul. Jupiter smiles upon those who reach out with full receptivity, total openness, and faithful enthusiasm.

By the way, Saturn and Pluto watch these goings on from Capricorn just right over there yonder. They urge you to note: When you get the goods needed to get it going good, get going. Tarry not.

Know the light within the darkness as Jupiter enhances the potent black hole he currently visits. No hiding in plain sight. Tune into the horse’s mouth. It’s showtime!

More soon.